Well, the Full Moon Party was absolutely amazing. Though I lost adam within about 30 seconds, I ended up dancing the night away with basically everyone one of the 5000 people that were there (or at least the 2500 of those that were girls and/or ladyboys). I can not describe to you what a madhouse this place was. It was as if the youth of the world (or at least the scraggly backpacker set of the world) descended upon this tiny beach for an all night revelry. everyone drank the buckets, usually involving vodka or whiskey (an entire flask), coke, and a version of redbull energy drink that is too strong to be legal in the states (literally). Basically, they mess you up. But partially becuase of the red bull and partially because of the excitemtn and build up for the event, everyone parties until the sun rises. Adam went home about 5; I hitched a ride with one of our South African friends at about 10. There was actually even an afterparty that started at 11 and went until 6 pm. Serious. It was a crazy night –especially when you through in dancing with an extremely attractive german girl as well as an extremely inebriated Irish one. All in all it was a good night.
After Ko Pha Ngan, we made our way up to little Ko Toa, which we were to learn is basically only geared towards scuba diving. Literally, this island is covered in scuba shops and certifies more divers than anywhere int he world than one city in australia. Well, as they say, when in Ko Tao… Adam was already certified and went on soem amazing advanced dives. Since we only had one day (not enough to do the 4-day certification course –which only cost the equivalent of $200 US, which is supposedly super cheap), I did a one-day discover course and dive. It was amazing! I thought it would be tough, but it was just fun. Ko Toa really started to grow on me (that and the laid back atmosphere). I am seriously thinking of going back to do 4 days of scuba after the wedding in Phuket.
After Ko Toa, a long ride back to Bangkok, and another crazy night on Khao San (back at the same bar I was at a week earlier to hear a cover band with a 50-year-old Thai singer scovering the Red Hot Chili Peppers extremely well), we made our way up to Chaing Mai. This is a city in the North of Thailand and known for its adventure sports, mountains, and minority hill tribes. Adam has a friend living here and today we went to an elephant show. It was crazy —I’ll wait for the pictures to do the explaining. Let’s just say that the elephants can play soccer, paint pictures of trees and even other elephants, and take Adam’s hat off his head.
The best part about knowing people here, is that they know some local Karen tribesmen who are going to take us out on a trek. Unlike the very touristy affairs most traveler get on with large groups, it will be just Adam and I. They are going to take us on a 3-day mountain hike and to see their village. It should be very authentic. I am super excited! Hopefully my machete skills from Belize will come in handly.
Anyway, we will be in the bush for the next few days, but we’ll write soon. Keep the replies coming! and by the time we get back, Jason will be flying over the Pacific on his way here!
Cheers from Chain Mai!
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