It’s true. My camera is lost amongst the craziness that is Dottambori in Osaka. Unfortunately that means that all of my pictures from Phuket and Osaka are no more. Brian, do your best to get pictures from the wedding from the other Jason.
I have a lot to say about Japan, and I feel like it will be best as multiple posts, so you only get a little at a time.
Japan is insane. I arrived in Osaka on Friday morning and was actually quite underwhelmed. It’s big. It’s crazy. Everybody is walking around in business suits. But I’ve seen New York.
Then the sun went down and the neon went up. If I wanted to make lame jokes (and I do), you might say I saw it in a whole new light. Imagine Times Square, but bigger. Well, then I saw Kyoto, which is an even bigger and even more neony beast; but that comes later. I wish I still had the pictures to prove it. One minute you’re hitting on an Australian girl, next minute her Japanese friends are buying you beer and saying your name in that crazy gutteral Kurasawa film voice.. Next minute you’re in a $20 cab ride home because you missed the last train and you’re out a camera.
Hopefully tomorrow I can pick up a new one; the only thing I’ve found so far that has menus in English is 40,000 yen (about $330 USD). Anyone that knows where I can get something cheaper, let me know. Otherwise, you don’t get pictures.
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